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Your money goes a long way. It is used to help those in need in our community, provide finance for the ministries we support locally, domestically and internationally and cover everyday operating costs. There are different options to make giving easy!

Kaikōura New Life Church members are allocated a tithes number, please ask Kelsey Leathem or Lisa Bond for a number. At the end of each tax year, members are issued a receipt so they can claim a tax rebate. As an individual, donations up to 33% of your taxable income can be claimed as a rebate.

If you've forgotten your number or would like a number, please email

Here are our account details for all tithes & offerings:

Bank Account: 03-1586-0001178-000

Account Name: Kaikōura New Life Church
Code: Your Giving Number
Reference: Type of giving (e.g. Tithe)

We encourage you to set up automatic payments for your tithes, alternatively you can place your envelope with your tithes number on it into the offering bags on Sunday mornings, please pick up an envelope from the foyer desk when at Church. 

Kaikōura New Life Church
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203 Beach Road

Kaikōura, 7300

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Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

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